The Co-Founders

CEO / Co-Founder
Thomas Baignères
PhD in cryptography (EPFL)
Researcher & consultant for the Belgian State and at CryptoExperts
Experienced developer

CTO / Co-Founder
Matthieu Finiasz
PhD in cryptography (ENS, Polytechnique, Inria)
Professor at ENSTA-ParisTech
Researcher & consultant at CryptoExperts
Co-founder & chairman of CybelAngel

VP Support & Communication / Co-Founder
Jacques-André Bondy
ISG International
Publisher & producer, International
All media for 20 years

VP Business Development / Co-Founder
Cédric Sylvestre
Director of the edition BU (Lexisnexis)
CEO document engineering (Numen)
Business Development for 20 years
Our project was quickly given the chance to be hosted by human-sized structures, advised by the best mentors in the Paris startup ecosystem, challenged by cybersecurity specialists. Our adventure would not be here without them, so here they are, in the Team page!
The Science & Tech Incubator based in Paris
From 2017 to 2019, Olvid was hosted at Agoranov, supporting Tech & Science startups for 20 years, founded by ENS, Paristech, Paris-Dauphine University, Sorbonne University, Inria and sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Île de France Region, the Paris City and the European Social Fund of the European Union.
Startup Accelerator by Wavestone
Since September 2019, Olvid integrated the Shake’Up acceleration program, created by Wavestone to help their clients successfully carry out transformation and develop promising start-ups. Olvid is hosted in the heart of the firm’s teams and benefits from its consulting expertise and constant flow of contacts.