Text different.

Your messages go fast. Very fast.
Exchange messages with your loved ones at the speed of light. Reply to a particular message, share your emotions with beautiful emojis 🚀. No more texting.
It’s even better with several people!
Recreate the family group to chat all week 🍼, your groups of friends to organise the weekend 🥂, and even a group for your favourite colleagues ☕️.
Share it all. No limits.
Share your photos 📸, videos 🎥, all your documents 📄. No size limit 🐘 and at full speed 🚄. Directly from your phone or computer.
Olvid cares for you
Make it personal
Olvid does not require any personal data: no phone number, no email, no name, no surname, no address, no date of birth.
No nothing.
Unlike your previous messenger, Olvid will never request access to your address book.
What happens in Olvid...
With Olvid, everything is end-to-end encrypted using cryptographic protocols with unrivalled power. Your messages & attachments are systematically protected.
Olvid’s cryptographic protocols are able to guarantee the security of your data even if our servers are hacked.
Leave no digital footprint
Six years of R&D have enabled us to propose a solution that makes no compromise on safety, while remaining very simple to use. Your exchanges leave no digital trace. No one will ever know who you’ve discussed with.
Not even us.
Compatible with what you already have
Olvid is available for your macOS and Windows computers, as well as for your iPhones, iPads and Android smartphones and tablets.
No SIM? No problem.
No SIM card required. Wifi is all you need.
Since Olvid needs no phone number to work, you can use any of your devices. And they'll stay in sync.
Olvid even works in an emulator. Geeks will love it.
Olvid commits
Fundamentally free
Most of the supposedly free messaging services are financed through the exploitation of the exchanged data. Your data. It’s no secret that you are the one at the service of the social network.
Olvid was designed to never have any possible access to any of your data.
Olvid is financed through paid options. The turnover generated allows us to guarantee an irreproachable quality of service to all our users, whether they pay or not.
And the circle is virtuous: users of the free version give all their value to the paid options.
It’s a win-win situation. And we think this model is the right one.
Simple. Sustainable. Honest.
Olvid frees you from other messengers
Olvid guarantees you trustworthy spaces, immune to external aggression, which isolate you from the digital noise of other social networks. Create groups with your family, friends and key collaborators. No spam, no advertising. You finally regain full control of your communications.
Olvid’s vocation is not to push you to forge a virtual network of 5000 so-called "friends". Olvid is the first messaging system on a human scale.
Olvid has been designed to be the best place to exchange on subjects that matter, with those who matter.
Welcome to the era of digital intimacy!
Freedom shall not be delegated
The vast majority of messaging services involve a "trusted third party", in the form of a directory of all users, with whom it is mandatory to share your telephone number, those of your contacts’, or even your entire address book.
Olvid’s conception is fundamentally different: the security of exchanges relies exclusively on the trust users place in each other, just like in real life. You finally have control over your address book.
With Olvid, all exchanges benefit from the same security as a real discussion behind closed doors.
The others promised you that. Olvid did it.
Celebrating Olvid