Related FAQ
- 📤 Send and reply to messages
- 📎 Add 📷 photos, 🎥 videos, 🎵 audios and 📄 files
- 📍 Share your location
- ℹ️ Message info (sent, received, read and when)
- 🌟 Options with a message
➡️ Forward and share messages
- ✏️ Unsend and edit messages
- ❌ Delete messages
- 🔧 Format your messages (Markdown)
- 👤 Mention someone in a message
➡️ Forward and share messages
Forward a message
You can forward a message and its attachments to one or more other Olvid discussion(s).
When you forward a message from one discussion to another, “Forwarded” appears next to the message in the destination discussions, unless you are the author.
iPhone iPad
- Tap the message to display its options.
- Tap Forward to forward the message and its attachments.
- Choose from the list of discussions and send.
- Press the message to display its options.
- Tap to forward the message and its attachments.
- Choose from the list of discussions and send.
Share a message
You can share a message and its attachments to other applications, according to the methods offered by your OS.
iPhone iPad
- Tap the message to display its options.
- Tap Share to share the message and its attachments.
- Choose from the sharing methods offered by your OS and apps.
- Press the message to display its options.
- Tap to share the message and its attachments.
- Choose from the sharing methods offered by your OS and apps.
Copy a message
You can copy the text of a message or the text and attachments, and then paste it elsewhere.
iPhone iPad
- Tap the message to display its options.
- Tap Copy Text .
- Press the message to display its options.
- Tap Copy.