Table of Contents
- Base Installation
- Prerequisites
- Installation of Keycloak
- Configuration of Keycloak
- Configuration of the Olvid Plugin
- Upgrading
- Additional Configuration
- Configuration of an External IdP
- Using LDAP User Federation
- x509 Client Certificates Authentication
- Configure Olvid via an MDM
- Using the management console
- Use the Olvid Management Console
- Misc.
- Olvid Management Console changelog

Olvid Keycloak Configuration Guide
This documentation explains how to install and configure Keycloak and the Olvid Keycloak plugin inside your organisation. This will give you access to a dedicated Olvid Management Console and offer Olvid users in your organisation some additional features:
- MDM deployment
- SSO integration
- One click contact addition
- Managed groups
- Instant user revocation
Please note that the Olvid Keycloak plugin is part of our Enterprise offer (see our pricing page) and requires an API key to operate.
You may start by reading the Prerequisites.