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🏢 How Business offer works
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🏢 How Business offer works
Here we present Olvid deployment via license activation links.
Business or Enterprise offer?
The Business offer is well suited for a very small number of users, maximum 10-20. Licenses are distributed manually, and users are responsible for verifying the identity of their contact in person.
License activation links are sent to you for distribution to users.
It is advisable for one person to contact each user, then create a group, and the members of the group will be able to exchange within the group as well as with each other on a one-to-one basis.
To revoke keys, send an e-mail to
Beyond that, we recommend to take the Enterprise offer.
You simplify deployment and license management with an administration console. You can generate licenses, cancel their validity, create groups, directly within the management console.
And user networking is facilitated with the appearance of a Directory button enabling communication between all authorized users (no need to check the identity of your contact).
This offer requires integration with a directory.
Deployment via license activation links
You receive license activation links that you need to distribute to users to activate subscriptions.
For those who have not yet installed Olvid, each link takes them to the stores where they can download Olvid.
For those who have already installed Olvid, here’s how to activate their license:
On the smartphone, touching the link opens Olvid, directly on the license activation screen.
Touch Activate license. That’s it.
On a computer without Olvid, click the link.
The browser displays a page with a QR code.
On the smartphone, in Olvid, touch the
button (bottom center), then Scan. -
Scan the QR code displayed on the computer screen.
The smartphone displays the license activation screen.
Simply touch the Activate license button. That’s it.
You’ll be able to make calls and use Olvid on several devices: Android, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Windows, Linux.
Over time, to revoke and replace licences, simply send their numbers to We’ll send you new ones in return.
Here’s a short guide to help users get started.
Tips for easy deployment via license activation links
Olvid users can add contacts in five ways :
Face to face is the fastest, by scanning two QR codes.
Remotely, with code swapping.
By introducing each other, without scans or codes.
By a group discussion, without scans or codes.
It’s the easiest way to quickly connect a few dozen people.
In a group discussion, all participants are visible to others and can exchange.
To have a private discussion, they can all invite each other. All they have to do is accept.
Any contact added to the group will then be visible to all the others.
You can appoint several administrators who can invite their contacts into the group discussion.
By your company’s directory for Olvid Enterprise users only.
Is it possible to switch from one Olvid offer to another?
If you don’t have the time to deploy the and to integrate a directory, you can switch from the free offer to the Olvid Business offer and then to the Olvid Enterprise offer, completely transparently for the users.
A user can switch from one offer to another:
- Without losing contacts.
- Without loss of discussion.
- Without service discontinuity.