⚙️ Settings by discussion

You can enable automatic deletion of messages per discussion individually or for all your discussions.

  • Automatically deleted messages will never be recoverable.

Access the automatic message deletion settings by discussion

iPhone iPad
  1. In a discussion, tap to display the discussion settings.
  2. Choose your settings for automatic message deletion and your retention policy.
  1. In a discussion, tap > discussion settings.
  2. Choose your settings for automatic message deletion and your retention policy.

Scope of available settings

  • The following settings simply override the default values set in Global Settings.

    They are local to your device and are not shared with your contacts.

    • Auto-read
    • Retain wiped ephemeral outbound messages
    • # Count based
    • Time based
  • The following parameters are shared with the other participants in the discussion.

    They apply to all future messages sent in the discussion.

    In group discussions, only a group administrator has the right to change these settings.

    • Read once
    • Visibility duration
    • Existence duration